Since 1997 SmartNet has facilitated knowledge sharing, innovation and networking across sector boundaries through live and online events. SmartNet is a division of Lyall Lukey Resources Ltd, established in 1987.

Since 2007 fourteen Education Leaders Forums have been run under the SmartNet umbrella. Convened by Lyall Lukey the annual ELF series involves education leaders and aspiring leaders from across the learning spectrum from early childhood to post-tertiary education.

See selection of 129 videos of speakers at 220+ SmartNet  knowledge sharing events designed and produced by Lyall Lukey since 1997 @ https://www.youtube.com/@lukeyresources/videos

Five annual Seismics and the City events were also convened by Lyall in the wake of the Christchurch Earthquakes of 2010-11.  See past events and what people say about ELF.

Lyall Lukey
M.A. (Hons), Dip.Tchg., AFNZIM
Convener, Education Leaders Forum,
Founder, Lukey Resources, SmartNet, Silververve, Co=Gen


Education Leaders Forum
Since 2007 fourteen Education Leaders Forums have been run under the SmartNet umbrella. Founded and convened by Lyall Lukey the annual ELF series involves education leaders and aspiring leaders from across the learning spectrum from early childhood to post-tertiary education. ELF20  Leading Change and Managing Transitions was run as a spaced Zoom series because of Covid uncertainties.  See what people say about ELF.



Seismics and the City
Five annual Seismics and the City events were also convened by Lyall in the wake of the Christchurch Earthquakes of 2010-11.  See past events.


Gen Coaching
Personal and Leadership Development for Millennials+

is a dynamic personal and leadership development programme on the Zoom Platform for selected people in the age range 21-39.  More https://www.smartnet.co.nz/cogen/ 


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Fetch Tweets: Could not authenticate you. Code: 32


Early Bird finishes Friday 26th

Take advantage of the early bird discounts and register before Friday 26th Feb https://www.smartnet.co.nz/seismics-2016/registration-form/

Seismics 2016 – first contributors

Lianne Dalziel Mayor of Christchurch City and Peter Townsend the Chief Executive of the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce announced as speakers at Seismics and the City 2016.  For details see Seismics 2016 contributors.