Entries by Sue Mardon

The May Education Summits

If the Education Conversation – Kōrero Mātauranga it is to be more than a tick-the-box consultation the dialogue needs to be anchored to a sound evidential foundation. Educators and others now have access to a large body of new information about brain function, how humans learn and effective professional development, among other things…. Beyond talking the […]

Education Central

Impressive line-up of speakers set to take stand at Education Leaders Forum | This year’ Education Leaders Forum has some truly excellent speakers to tackle the theme of Valuing Educators – Revaluing Education. http://ow.ly/dIco30jSCdQ 

The Education Conversation

The Education Conversation – Kōrero Mātauranga, which opened 23 Mar and closes 31 May 2018, has so far allowed more than 5,000 New Zealanders have their say about the future of education, some via some face to face discussions, the majority by filling in an online survey . It is aimed at providing some content […]

…Walking the Talk

…Walking the Talk Educators have access to a huge body of new information about brain function and how humans learn and also about professional development. The key is to walk the talk. ‘Walking the talk’ matters in the use of evidence for transformative education’ is the title of a recently published invited paper for the International Bureau of […]