Co=Gen Catalysts
-Personal and Leadership Development for Millennials+
Catalyst “… an external agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action.”
“… [organisations ] create value not from physical resources but from the intelligence and competence of people… the intangible assets and the things people know and do.” Dr. Karl-Erik Sveiby
In the Covid age the ability to engage with Millennials is critical to fostering a future-oriented, inclusive and innovative organization. It is important to learn what matters to Millennials – what motivates them and how their career paths and travel aspirations have been affected by lockdowns and continued uncertainty. Understanding how to effectively engage with them will help to increase talent retention and boost productivity.
Millennials are particularly interested in personal and leadership development. A LinkedIn study revealed that 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development.
Organizations that understand the importance of developing leadership skills are more likely to promote and train from within where they can. Such organisations encourage a culture of development and learning, rather than looking externally to fill skills gaps. Register my interest in Co=Gen Module 1
Springboard for Millennials
“They are totally immersed in the digital economy, open to doing new things and incredibly resilient when it comes to facing some of the world’s biggest challenges – and wanting to make positive changes that will improve the lives of people around the world.” Felicity Brown, MYOB
Employers need to support the emerging generation of leaders to meet the challenges they face. Co=Gen is a springboard for action, challenging participants to set and get key personal and work goals and to demonstrate insight, creativity and critical analysis.
Slowing staff attrition makes sense because it is difficult to hire people who fit the organization’s culture and needs in the first place. Much can be accomplished by a quite modest investment in personalised training and development for those already employed.
An organization’s success comes from creating a learning culture with people who love to be challenged, who want to grow and know how to collaborate. Trust is vital to promote agility, innovation and risk taking.
Engagement Indicators include
- more staff engagement
- better retention – lower staff turnover
- higher productivity
- increased motivation
- more job satisfaction
- greater tangible and intangible value
Time alone can be a slow teacher. In other areas we might be a nation of do-it-yourselfers, but those who really want to grow in all dimensions of their lives need to tap the invaluable knowledge, experience, insights and contacts of Silververve coaches rather than take extra years to do it all themselves.
The Co=Gen Coaching Programme is based on strong value and run by experienced and credible people. Coaching support is reinforced by the peer-to-peer network of fellow participants.
Millennials+ have grown up with digital media. While highly connected online they often lack close live local support networks. Outside the workplace that they don’t have some of the personal and leadership development opportunities via service clubs and churches that helped nurture, develop and support today’s older people.
In a world awash with digital data, coaches are more important than ever as knowledge navigators. Coaching from mature, experienced and neutral coaches, is a huge asset in terms of personal and leadership development for Millennials while helping them achieve a better life balance. Registration Options
Self-Management Skills
As a starting point aspiring leaders must learn to manage themselves better. Goal-setting and goal-getting are closely allied with time management in a digital age. The critical attribute of efficacious human beings is not only having the right information, but also knowing how to act on it.
The Bottom Line
“The workforce of the near future will be more flexible, collaborative and less secure, populated increasingly by older people and led by a generation with different values to their predecessors.” Prof. Tim Bentley, Director, AUT Future of Work Programme
As Prof. Bentley points out, people of all ages will need to become enterprising ongoing portfolio work creators and builders, not only job seekers. Their CV will need to become a digital repository for examples of what they have achieved – not a grab bag of qualifications beyond their use by date.
Co=Gen can make a material difference to the personal and work lives of participants by sharing valuable knowledge and experience, equipping them to better handle present challenges and open their eyes to new opportunities in the unfolding future. Register my interest in Co=Gen Module 1
Where to Next?
“…only one thing is worse than losing someone after investing in their development. That is not investing in them and have them stay!” Richard Branson
Unlocking the potential of Millennials now will help create the future of your organization.
Learning has become the key development asset. Intangible assets include what an organization’s people know and do and its reputation and trust levels. These tangibles are what generate tangible assets.
For this reason, organizations must continually invest in staff training and development, especially for Millennials in the age group 21-39, even if you think they might leave. A vote of confidence in them via registering them for a least the Co=Gen 5 week Foundation Module will unlock the potential of up-and-comers and keep waverers productively engaged. Registration Options