Co=Gen Catalysts
-Personal and Leadership Development for Millennials+
Catalyst “… an external agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action.”
Registration Options
Now available in-house at dates and times to suit.
Module 1: Focus on Your Future
Module 1 Focus on Your Future focuses on whole life balanced goal-setting and building support networks. More on Module 1
Registration Entitlements
Registration (see below*) covers 5 x once a week 75 minute Zoom meetings, comprising stimulating input and small group breakout conversations. These are reinforced between sessions by useful digital resources.
The commitment is just to this life-changing foundation module. Follow up modules are available.
Investment in your future
Option 1 is an online registration for an employee or associate of your organization for Open editions of Co=Gen Module 1, at the Standard Rate of $785+gst pp.
Option 2 is 2 registrations for employees or associates of your organization to Co=Gen Module 1 at the “Running Mates” rate of $705+gst pp.
Option 3 is 3 or more registrations for employees or associates of your organization to Co=Gen Module 1 at the Group Rate of $675+gst pp.
Option 4 is bigger discounts for In-House editions by arrangement.
First Step?
Easily manageable outside of regular work hours, Co=Gen 1 can be a valuable one-off goal-setting and leadership development experience by itself, or the first step on an escalator of spaced modules supporting ongoing personal and leadership development. More at Benefits