Co=Gen Catalysts
-Personal and Leadership Development for Millennials+
Catalyst “… an external agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action.”
“…And it’s hi ho silver lining…I see your sun is shining…” Jeff Beck Hi Ho Silver Lining
Silververve is an evolving and involving network of lively mature facilitators and coaches, led by Lyall Lukey and Malcolm Bell, which aims to bridge generational divisions and harness the creative energy of Millennials.
Expert knowledge, associated with higher level skills, is stored in brain cells known as dendritic spines – a metaphorical silver lining which protects against ageing.
In an age awash with digital data Silververve seeks to revalue the worth of mature knowledge and wisdom to individuals, organisations and the wider community through the Co=Gen Coaching programme. Register my interest in Co=Gen Module 1
Mature Knowledge and Skills Photo: Andy Lukey
Valuing Experience
” Why, when presented with hard evidence of the value of experience, do employers treat this most valuable asset so carelessly?” Arnold Kransdorff, specialist in experiential learning.
Silvers are more interested in re-tyrement than retirement. They want to remain mentally, physically and socially active and keep making a worthwhile contribution.
They look forward to a new lease of life in their Third Age by being involved with younger people, especially those in the 21-39 age group, via the Co=Gen coaching programme, where they can share their knowledge and experience with Millennials as well as learn from them.
Silver/Millennial Affinity
“The older generation has a lot of experience, but we have ideas, we have energy, and we have solutions,” Natasha Wang Mwansa, young Zambian women’s rights activist
There is a natural synergy between Silvers and Millennials comparable to that between grandparents and grandchildren. Our bi-focal approach encompasses the needs of both age cohorts. It focuses on what each can contribute to the other – and what they can achieve together by changing mindsets, attitudes and behaviours.
The younger cohort brings energy, familiarity with devices, data and information and lots of challenging questions; the older cohort brings mature knowledge and occasionally wisdom, including an understanding of the importance of personal values and passions, goal-setting, time managements, plus the importance of soft skills in a collaborative and creative work environment. See Co=Gen Modules and Resources
Co=Gen: Bridging Generations
“…the elderly are a huge resource. They are our… memory sticks. They know and represent tradition and experience and skills which young people do not have…” Prof. Yoram Bara
Bridging the chasm with intergenerational collaboration
Co=Gen is a way to transcend academic learning with a vast array of life experience. People can be reluctant to mix with those they assume to be different from themselves. But without these interactions, we lose the capacity for reality checks and learning.
Mutual respect is essential if we are to address challenges like turning ideas into innovation, taking action on climate change and combating racism and religionism. Registration Options