Day 1 – Wednesday 08 August:  Valuing Educators
Mobilising Knowledge -Applying Research -Working Together   
8.15am Registration, networking and coffee
8.40am Starter
8.55am Mihi whakatau/Opening
9.00am Opening Dialogue:

Working Together:
Mobilising Knowledge through Networks & Collaboration

Aligning the intersections between education policy, practice and evidence to develop great teaching that makes a difference for student achievement.

Models for knowledge mobilisation which demonstrate the ways in which knowledge, expertise and capacity move around within and between education organisations. The impact of networks and collaboration and effective approaches to leadership and professional development in developing great teaching that makes a difference for student achievement.

Prof. Toby Greany
Professor of Leadership and Innovation at the Institute of Education, University College, London and former Director of the London Centre for Leadership of  Learning.

In conversation with
Dr Annelies Kamp
Head of School of Educational Studies & Leadership, UC

10.00am The Future of Adaptive Learning
-Building Learning Capacity Now

Mark addresses the multiplicity of changes that educators face and the adaptive pathways needed to create the learning environments required by learners to prepare them for the world in which they will live, work and play. He outlines a learning framework that provides educators with a developmental schema for how learning takes place and lays a foundation of competencies for learners to have greater agency over their learning and become independent lifelong learners.

Mark Treadwell
Education Consultant,
Mark Treadwell Consultancy

10.45am Networking Break
11.15am Panel/Forum:
Working Together for Children

Collaboration between agencies involved with children and young people
“…the easiest bit is describing what the problems are – the hardest bit is trying to find innovative system responses as well as individual responses for each child and family.”
Jackie Talbot, General Manager, Secondary-Tertiary, Ministry of Education

With the establishment last year of the recently renamed Ministry for Children, Oranga Tamariki what is now starting to happen that looks like it is making a positive difference to the welfare, learning and life course progress of young people?
Jackie Talbot
Group Manger, Secondary-Tertiary, Ministry of Education

Shaun Brown
Regional Manager, Youth Justice, Oranga Tamariki


12.00 Noon
Focusing on Abilities
Opening  minds, developing skills and shifting up a gear
As Disability Rights Commissioner one of Paula Tesoriero’s top priorities in the role is improving educational outcomes for disabled students.

With 42% of disabled young people not in employment, education, or training, it is clear the New Zealand education system is not as inclusive of disabled students as it needs to be. For Paula making the education system more inclusive is key to improving employment and overall life outcomes for disabled people.

However, to really shift outcomes Paula is resolute that attitudes towards disabled people must also change. In schools for example, disabled children are bullied at higher rates – this is an indication that we have a long way to go to ensure disabled children feel they are valued members of their classrooms, schools, and wider communities.

Paula Tesoriero
Disability Rights Commissioner,
Human Rights Commission
12.30pm Networking Lunch Break
1.30pm Leading Teacher Learning
– Adding credibility and value to teaching and learning and optimising developmental pathways for New Zealand learners via a strong evidential base
 “… effective school leaders do not just work on vision, acquire resources and manage the school; in addition they mobilize the group to get results…”
Prof . Michael Fullan  
Updated foreword to BES School Leadership and Student Outcome

Three speakers respond:

1.30pm I.  Professional Change Leadership 
-Learning Logs: What works and why?

In this session Xanthe will outline the emerging practice of learning logs in an e-learning context and how this simple pedagogical approach shifted practice and outcomes for students and helped remove the assessment logjam for teachers. She will take you through the practice of change leadership through her exemplar of e-practice, based on her work with the Ministry of Education’s Best Evidence Synthesis on e-based Learning Logs and raising student achievement. This work has become part of assessment practice in New Zealand secondary schools with the ongoing growth of classroom e-practice.
Xanthe Sulzberger
McAuley High School,
2.05pm II. “Bobbie Maths”: Raising mathematics achievement
-The power of collaboration and culturally responsive teaching

Students in South Auckland, Christchurch and elsewhere are benefitting from the mathematical inquiry communities developed by Associate Professor Roberta Hunter and her Massey University team. The teaching approach is culturally responsive and supports students to work together to solve maths problems, accelerating achievement for the students involved.

Developed initially as part of Prof. Hunter’s PhD, the approach was presented in BES Exemplar 1: Developing Communities of Mathematical Inquiry as a signature pedagogy to further support accelerated improvement for students. 

Ass. Prof. Roberta (Bobbie) Hunter
Institute of Education,
Massey University-Albany
2.40pm III.  Moving beyond the Rhetoric
-Promoting a Pedagogy for Belonging
“Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success is ‘our strategy to rapidly change how the education system performs so that all Māori students gain the skills, qualifications and knowledge they need to enjoy and achieve education success as Māori’ ” (Ministry of Education, 2015).

For many students, belonging is not realised as education continues to underserve specific groups of clearly identifiable students. This presentation will explore what a nationwide sample of senior Māori students said is required if schools are to achieve this vision of belonging. This has important implications for all educators in New Zealand and other marginalised groups. 

Professor Mere Berryman
Faculty of Education,
University of Waikato
3.15pm  Networking Break  
3.45pm Concurrent Sessions
Session 1
A Systematic Approach to Leading Learning
-How effective education leaders operate within individual learning systems, both as a result of deliberate and unintended policy-driven incentives and as a result of personal agency

Introduction: New Zealand’s international reputation in effective professional development for teachers
“Out of 947 source reviews the New Zealand Iterative Best Evidence Synthesis Programme’s Teacher Professional Learning and Development BES was found to be the most consistent and rigorous.” UK comprehensive review

Case Studies: Innovative Educational Practice

Solution focused exemplars of the successful implementation of educational research which makes a difference to life course outcomes and some failure stories from which to learn. 

Prof. Toby Greany
Professor of Leadership and Innovation at the UCL Institute of Education, University College London and former Director of the London Centre for Leadership of Learning
Session 2
Refashioning your school’s curriculum with resources from the Global Curriculum Project      

Mark has developed a series of resources, in consultation with numerous schools in New Zealand, Australia  and Dubai, that are  underpinned by the neuroscience, sociology and psychology of how the brain learns The resulting three resources collectively contribute to the Global Curriculum Project. In this workshop /demonstration Mark reviews the first two of these and previews the third.

1. The Future of Learning: This multimedia resource is a ‘living resource’ and as such the online edition will be updated every four months. The resource is divided into three sections  A. The emerging model for how our brain learns B. The Learning Process C. The six pillars that underpin an effective 21stC curriculum

2. The Global Competencies: The competencies are shifting from obscurity to the centre of the curriculum as they are now the essential capability builders across all aspects of our lives in this century. Schools are now seeing these are central to curriculum and this resource unpacks the six competencies in a manner that allows educators to apply them in the way they deem to be most appropriate.

NB The  OECD has recently announced that the ‘Global Competencies’ will become part of the PISA assessment process in 2018 – see here

3. The Seven Learning Domains: The traditional ‘subject areas’ are no longer context based (thematic topics) but rather they are conceptually based to build the necessary conceptual frameworks that underpin our capacity to be innovative and ingenious – the call of the 21st century.

Collectively these three resources contribute to the development of each school’s unique curriculum offering. The Global Curriculum Project should not be seen as ‘the curriculum’ but rather as a series of resources that allow educators to refashion their curriculum in a way that is unique to them and meets their needs more precisely.


Mark Treadwell
Education Consultant,
Mark Treadwell Consultancy
Networking Drinks and Nibbles
 6.30pm Free evening – make up a group and explore Rotorua’s restaurants

Day 2 – Thursday 09 August: Revaluing Education
Embracing Disruption-Inspiring Creativity-Fostering  Innovation
8.15am Registration, networking and coffee
8.45am Starter

8.55am Review/Preview
9.00am Presentation: Micro-credentials: an old dog with some new tricks!
Micro-credentials, which recognise smaller yet discrete sets of skills and knowledge are enjoying a resurgence worldwide, in response to increasingly expensive traditional qualifications and to employer demand for training that meets specific skill needs, especially those arising from rapid technological and societal changes.  More…
Phil Ker
Chief Executive,
Otago Polytechnic
9.45am Presentation
Growing NZ’s future inventors by creating the Tech Future now In the near future, everyone will either be a consumer of tech or a creator of it. Children’s charity OMGTech! is about giving kids the opportunity to be the creators. OMGTech! develops and delivers engaging workshops for both teachers and students on digital technologies and how to explore and invent with them.
Vaughan Rowsell Founder of point of innovative sale company Vend and children’s charity OMGTech!

10.30am Networking Break
11.00am Concurrent Sessions
I.  Turning the Tables

Some young student participants in OMGTech! School-based workshops help Vaughan Rowsell facilitate an eye opening workshop for ELF18 registrants. 

Vaughan Rowsell Founder of point of innovative sale company Vend and children’s charity OMGTech!
II.  The Learner Capability Framework
-Tools and teaching platforms that enable learners in a secondary tertiary learning environment to gather evidence of individual capability, have that evidence assessed and verified, and then presented in an individual capability profile.  More 
 Andy Kilsby
Manager Secondary
Otago Polytechnic
Career Portfolios/Transitions/Pivots – The New Norm
Career development is a life-long pursuit. How can we support our young people to make successful decisions about their careers in the fast-paced and ever-changing world we now live in? Condensing current global thinking into a local perspective, Heather will discuss some of the realities and practical ideas to guide young people into an unpredictable future. 
Heather Lowery-Kappes
National Executive Member
12.30pm Networking Lunch Break
1.30pm Presentation, Commentary and open forum
Understanding complex human behavioural research in relation to study and work choices

Innovation, entrepreneurship and post-tertiary integration of students into the workforce
 Informing study and work  choices for secondary and tertiary students by understanding complex human behavioural research in relation to the development of entrepreneurs, new technologies, innovative organisations, growth industries and productive regional economies.
Dr Amanda Lynn, PhD, Managing Director,
Mandolin Associates
2.45pm  Priorities, Challenges and Solutions
Bringing about system change and enhanced care and learning through collaboration between educators, social workers and other agencies involved with children and young people.

Hon.Tracey Martin,
Minister for Children
3.30pm Drawing the threads together
3.45pm Forum Concludes

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