Virtual ELF20: Leading Change and Managing Transitions
As a result of Covid lockdowns and uncertainty, the format for ELF20 was changed to a virtual online event on the Zoom Meeting platform.
ELF20 comprised a balance of stimulating input and engaging small group breakout conversations, supported by reinforcement digital resources after each session.
ELF20 Feedback
“…. you have done such a fabulous job)… … I was really impressed with the functionality and the way you managed to put us into breakout spaces and the seemless integration of speakers and their Powerpoint presentations”. Gabrielle Carroll, NZ Police
View more ELF20 Feedback
Earlier ELF Feedback
“Congratulations on the calibre of ELF … and the deep focus on equity, excellence, belonging and wellbeing. Thank you for the good work you do to promote engagement with evidence across education networks.” Dr Adrienne Alton-Lee, Chief Advisor, Evidence Synthesis-BES, Ministry of Education
“I have known Lyall since 2008 when he was a key planner and instigator of the Education Leaders Forums (ELF). He is smart and articulate around the educational issues that matter most and in my experience works hard to create events that connect interesting thinkers and doers.” Pam Hook Director, Hooked on Thinking
What People Say re earlier events
Building on earlier forums
The two virtual ELF21 short series will be the 15th and 16th in a hitherto annual in-person series involving education leaders and aspiring leaders from across the learning spectrum
ELF21 will develop further some strands from Virtual ELF20 Leading Change & Managing Transitions, ELF19 Digital Divides, Dividends & Dangers, ELF18 Valuing Educators-Revaluing Education, ELF17 Life Passages & Learning Paths and ELF16 Tomorrow’s Skills.
These events focused on making a positive difference to the life outcomes of individuals by understanding key developmental and environmental factors, identifying potential path changers in the journey from infancy to adulthood and mapping knowledge and skills pathways relevant to the fast changing world of work.