Since 1997 SmartNet has connected key business people, researchers, educators and policy makers in the pursuit of new local and global opportunities.

Through short live events supported by online resources SmartNet promotes knowledge sharing, innovation and networking with purpose across sector boundaries.



The 2016 forum was the fifth in a post-quakes annual series involving representatives of public, private and community sector organisations sharing visions, discussing issues and solutions and networking with purpose.  More…

"Thank you Lyall and team for a terrific conterence.... it is a world-class event..." "I think this was one of the best ‘conferences’ that I have been to." "I have attended numerous conferences around the world and wish to compliment all concerned as this has to be as good as I’ve seen, both in terms of focus and of content." "Best organised conference I have ever attended." "Brillant event. Innovative, fun and refreshing." "Congratulations on a conference well organised and received." “Many thanks, nice diverse crowd”



Check out ELF18 Contributors and Programme

View the line up of Contributors at:  and the ELF18 Programme:

ELF18 Early Bird Registrations close 30/4/18

Take advantage of the Early Bird group and individual discounts by booking now and paying by 30 April.  See ELF18 Overview at and

…Walking the Talk

…Walking the Talk Educators have access to a huge body of new information about brain function and how humans learn and also about professional development. The key is to walk the talk. ‘Walking the talk’ matters in the use of evidence for transformative education’ is the title of a recently published invited paper for the International Bureau of […]